Wednesday, January 30, 2008


\kuhn-VIV-ee-uhl\, adjective:
Relating to, occupied with, or fond of feasting, drinking, and good company; merry; festive.


It occurs to me that, while we may be able to analyze and make conclusions about reality, our perceptions are dubious at best when related to a universal standard—the boxes we make to house understanding function for our purpose alone, and do not actually coincide with the impersonal universe. Thus our understanding of the universe, while perhaps accurately describing it in terms agreeable to us, is inevitably confined to our perception of it. We shall always be, perhaps, an imperfect mirror.

This is only slightly disparaging, however—an elucidation of a long-known understanding that the universe does not need our taglines for its showcases. Just because there is no perfect way of understanding the universe (as a true reflection would be nothing but a similarly impersonal mirror, I think) does not mean we cannot pick it apart in our own way. We need avoid allusions to theoretical absolutes like omniscience concerning the ‘proper’ way to understand the universe. If it’s not made to be understood then we alone set the standard for how it is to be correctly and incorrectly perceived—and have rightly, on many occasions, prescribed the former as whichever has the closest relation to observable phenomena.

We must be wary, however, of convincing ourselves that we are objective receptors—we are merely capable of observing the (seemingly) objective reality.


Anonymous said...

"imperfect mirror"...yes.

Do believe your metaphor can also exist inside our own mind? How clear is the reflection of ourselves outward in regards to what is inside?

can this reflection of self be compared to the reflection of reality?

Or is the reflection of self, the reflection of reality? <- my problem with that is I, along with almost every other human, are not always a clear reflection of what is inside ourselves. Almost as if our inner-mirrors need a good Windex-ing.

There is the reality outside of a mind, which it attempts to reflect...but there also lies a reality within the mind, which it attempts to reflect.


Specific Relativity said...

A very valid and intriguing point--half of the battle, it could be said, is first figuring out oneself. Like the search for objective truths, I think whole truths about the self will take a lifetime to both construct, remain constituted, and be subject to continual update--as we change with our lives. Thus, in order to understand ourselves (which underlies understanding the universe), we must perpetually subject ourselves to rigorous examination from as many perspectives as we can manage, and make the same sorts of conclusions we make about the universe in regards to ourselves. It will be harder than figuring out seemingly static truths, perhaps, but certainly not impossibly (and at the very least, crucial).

I started a journal last summer; it helps.

Specific Relativity said...

**certainly not impossible

I should really edit comments before I post them; too long have blog posts alone enjoyed this luxury.

Anonymous said...

I also started a a journal the summer before last, including any thoughts and ideas which come to me. It defiantly helps.

Socrates said it best; "Man know yourself, the unexamined life is not worth living"

Anonymous said...

I guess mine have as well...

Specific Relativity said...

Socrates was right.