Friday, September 26, 2008


\ED-uh-fy\, transitive verb:
To instruct and improve, especially in moral and religious knowledge; to teach.


A small note from class—it is no secret that many government officials are not true representatives. They are elected on at least the ideal principle that they will provide representation in the government for the opinions of those who elected them. What often happens, and to no current reprimand, is nearly all elected officials arrive in government and are immediately influenced, paid for and essentially bribed by corporate interests. What was, in ideal, a representative for the people becomes a representative for monetary interests.

This comes to light especially in the rushed bail out plan of our current treasurer, which thankfully fell flat on its face. As it was discussed in class, and as I agree, the government needs to intervene when it comes to an enormous threat to the economy—we cannot tolerate another great depression. However, neither can it fix these massive economic problems with haste. So why try?

The treasurer is supposed to be a representative of our collective interests, not his own or that of his companions. His impartiality in fixing economic disasters such as this one is crucial—one cannot wait until disaster looms for personal interests, as these decisions affect us all. Rather than trying to fix Wall Street as a whole, it seems the makeshift bail-out plan was for a cause the treasurer is not designed to represent—and such bias could cause our country disaster if left unchecked. It is this kind of monetary, rather than representative, interest that seems of vital danger to the nation as a whole.

1 comment:

David K. Braden-Johnson said...

Looks like the bailout will go forward, but with lots of provisions.