Thursday, April 3, 2008


\BEL-weth-uhr\, noun:
A leader of a movement or activity; also, a leading indicator of future trends.


My attempted is-ought bridge--I think I figured out what's wrong with it, but you let me know.

1. Hurting others causes mental, emotional and physical suffering.
2. I do not need to hurt others.
3. The person being hurt will experience more suffering than I will satisfaction.
4. I care about others.
5. I do not hurt those I care about.
I ought not to hurt others.

It can even be simplified to this.

1. I care about others.
2. I do not need to hurt others.
3. Needless hurting betrays my care for others.
I ought not to hurt others.


David K. Braden-Johnson said...

It seems to me there's several prescriptive notions embedded in your premise set.

Specific Relativity said...

It seems that way to me too! Haha.