Friday, November 7, 2008


reckless; rash.



I wonder what Sigmund Freud’s thought process entailed, uncovering and gradually coming to know the unconscious. I imagine it not far departed from our classroom discussions, where we allotted credence, at least in part, to the notion that humans have natural, genetic programming that affects behavior. As history has mostly subscribed to the mentioned “blank slate” theory, this theory must have been more cumbersome to maintain for Freud than our 21st century classroom, already dramatically influenced by his theories.

However, it is only a natural step, I think, to first believe in predisposition, and then determine its scientific roots. Freud was a realist—he wasn’t prepared to accept anything but what reason and experience would show him (although his extrapolated conclusions step outside the bounds of logic, I think). Without any social encouragement, there are only a small number of facets natural to humans that could be reasonably derived: safety, nourishment, and procreation (there are probably others, I’m being general).

Immediately the last stands out to me, as perhaps it did to Freud—the first two are natural prerogatives, necessary to sustain the individual and impossible to overcome—constant danger or malnourishment ends the individual. The third, however, is peculiar—as it serves the same preservative function, but is the only one not designated for the good of the self.

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